
Hime, Shawn and Jeffrey Maiden. An Examination of the Fiscal Equity of Current, Capital, and Crossover Educational Expenditures in Oklahoma School Districts. Institute for the Study of Education Finance, 2017.

Ballard, Stephen and Jeffrey Maiden. An Assessment of School District Spending and Student Achievement in Oklahoma. Institute for the Study of Education Finance, 2017.

Maiden, Jeffrey. An Analysis of the Potential Effects of Additional Discretionary Levies on the Fiscal Equity of Oklahoma Education Funding. Institute for the Study of Education Finance, 2019.

WhiteMan, Funston and Jeffrey Maiden. An Analysis of The Relationship between American Indian Public Education Funding and Achievement in Oklahoma. Institute for the Study of Education Finance, 2020.

Maiden, Jeffrey, H. Michael Crowson, and Channa Byerly.  The Effects of the Adoption of the Four-Day Instructional Week on Teacher Retention in Oklahoma. Institute for the Study of Education Finance, 2020.

Maiden, Jeffrey, H. Michael Crowson, and Tammie Reynolds. The Relationship between District Capital Outlay Revenue Inequities and Adoption of the Four Day Instructional Week, Yearly Instructional Time, and Class Size in Oklahoma. Institute for the Study of Education Finance, 2020.

Hendricks, Matthew D., John Reaves, and Gary Watts. Understanding the Impact of the Five Lagging Chargeables in Oklahoma’s State Aid Formula and Policy Implications. Institute for the Study of Education Finance, 2020.

Maiden, Jeffrey. A Validation Study of the Oklahoma Education Funding Formulae Weights. An Evaluation report submitted to the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration, the Oklahoma Education Association, Oklahoma State School Boards Association, and the United Suburban Schools Association, February, 2003. Republished Institute for the Study of Education Finance, 2020.